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Mireia Sánchez ︎ Bioklick

Bioklick: What is it bout?

There’s a lot of people wanting to make changes in their life in order to being more sustainable, but they just don’t know where to start or how to do it. Well, Bioklick aim is helping solving this problem or at least make the process easier and more accessible.

Bioklick is an application that helps shopping more sustainable everyday items such as hygiene, kitchen, baby products, etc. Moreover, users will not only find a helpful tool for guiding them in zero waste shopping but also an educational and informative community where they can improve their lifestyles. 

The following images are showing the three main sections you can find in the app. The first one is the Products section. There is where users will find alternative products more eco-friendly separated in five categories: Babies, Hygiene, Take away, Home and Cleaning. In addition, there’s some filter options that makes the searching experience much easier. 

The second images shows other important page of the app: the Community section. What to expect here? It is divided into 3 subsections: Magazine, Learning time! and Social Feed. At the Magazine page, news related to the zero waste lifestyle, ecological matters and anything related to the philosophy of this project will be shown. Secondly, on the Learning time! subcategory is where you should go if you are looking for tips, information or guidance about changing your lifestyle into a more sustainable one. And last but definetly not least, the Social Feed is where you can discover some environmentally conscious content creators and podcasts that are on social media.

Lastly, the remaining category is the Local stores section. Even though it can seem quite simple, it is what can make this experience more real. Although the app is mainly based on online shopping, thanks to this page, users can find physical shops where they can go and discover more products and interesting content that unluckly is not online. 

And that’s basically the main idea of this eco-project! If you want to know more about it you can click on the links below for going to the app prototype or to watch the navigation, promotional or explanatory video. In the meanwhile, here you have some clausular pictures with the Bioklick branding :)

︎ Prototype link

︎ Promotional video link

︎ App navigation video link

︎ Explanatory video link

Student bio

Hello! My name is Mireia Sánchez, I’m from Valencia and I have been studying graphic design for 4 years now. I studied a HND on Art and Design at ESAT and after graduating, I started coursing a Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design in Prague College.

As a designer, I like to work on different design areas, even though my main interests are motion graphics, editorial design, UX/UI and branding. Photography is also a work field I’m used to work in, and I have had projects regarding this area.

︎Online portfolio


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